How Spirituality Can Benefit A Family

One characteristic of strong families is a shared belief in a greater power that guides ethical behavior, concern for others, and unity with living things. These shared beliefs help to create a bond between family members, as well as providing a framework for love, purpose, security, hope, and peace.

The guidelines for living a good life, which are inherent in spiritual beliefs, help family members define appropriate behavior within the family and toward others. Some families pray, meditate, or read spiritually oriented writings together, and this serves to cohere the life of the family.

Spiritual beliefs also connect families with like-minded people in the community, and this serves to validate and strengthen the family.

Try these things:

  • Find a cause that is bigger than you or your family (world hunger, peace, reducing crime, helping the homeless). Volunteer your time as a family on these issues within the community.

  • Take a look at your own values and views about the world. Keep a journal of your thoughts and share them with your family.

  • Set aside family time for a form of devotion that is compatible with your beliefs. This could include prayer, meditation, contemplation, or a walk in nature.

Taking the time to evaluate your values and beliefs as an individual and as a family can be yet another tie that binds your family together.