My CBT Podcast Core Fears & CBT Crippling Social Anxiety & CBT Toxic Positivity & CBT The Power of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy How To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence Why I'm Feeling Full & Grateful Right Now Conflict Avoidant Behavior & CBT Enmeshment & CBT How To Be Authentic In Your Relationships Is Your Love Tank Full? Personality Disorders & Parental Relationships How To Be Calm Using CBT Are You Happy? People Pleasing & CBT Don't Take It Personally! Jealousy & CBT No Matter What & CBT Part 2 ft. Anthony Osborn No Matter What & CBT A Tough Week & CBT Intelligence & CBT Self-Gaslighting & CBT Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) & CBT Vacations, Holidays & CBT Behavior & CBT Attachment Styles & CBT Are CBT Tools Worth The Effort? Truth, Lies & CBT Conflicting Values & CBT Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) & CBT Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) & CBT Labeling Yourself & CBT The Holidays & CBT Betrayal & CBT The Inner Child & CBT Intrusive Thoughts & CBT Childhood Abandonment & CBT Family Enmeshment, Boundaries & CBT Triggering & CBT Blame & CBT Existential Dread & CBT Barbie & CBT How CBT Can Affect Physical Symptoms CBT for Dog Groomers ft Carla Keen How Do Psychiatry & Medication Fit In Therapy? ft. Dr Gail Fernandez, MD Accepting Yourself Using CBT Growing Up LGBTQ ft. Charlie Becker Bullying In The LGBTQ Community & CBT ft. Charlie Becker Why Marriages Succeed & CBT Shame & CBT How Your Environment Affects Your Thoughts Agoraphobia & CBT Perception Psychology & CBT Mind Over Mood Spirituality & CBT How CBT Can Help With Fear New Year's Resolutions & CBT Living With POTS ft Sam Bregman Surviving The Holidays With CBT Hoarding Behavior & CBT Manipulation In Relationships Control Issues & CBT Health Anxiety & CBT Grief & CBT Denial & CBT Relapse Prevention & CBT How CBT & Neuropsychology Work Together Phobias, Aviophobia, Fear Of Flying & CBT ft. Antoinette Gupta Bipolar Disorder & CBT - Part 2 ft. Michael Mikulski Bipolar Disorder & CBT - Part 1 ft. Michael Mikulski Help For Cancer Caregivers How CBT Can Help ADHD - Part 2 ft. Molly Osborn How CBT Can Help ADHD - Part 1 Men & Male-Type Depression How To Recover After Divorce What About The Introverts? Leaving Someone With Addiction What Is A Committed Relationship? Genetic Testing & Mental Health How To Use Mind Over Mood Book Money & CBT How To Manage Anxiety Successfully Emotional Manipulation Projection In Relationship Conflicts Help For The Holidays Chemotherapy & CBT The Kitchen Sink How To Find Intimacy Coping With The Emotion Of Cancer When Everything Changes - Part 2 When Everything Changes - Part 1 How To Be An Effective Parent Help For PTSD Sufferers How To Make Good Decisions Under Stress How To Be Emotionally Available How To Manage Chronic Pain How To Say No How To Create A Supportive Family Help For Adult Children Of Addicts How Pets Affect Your Mental Health How To Handle Reentry Anxiety How To Find The Right Partner For You How To Deal With Work Burnout How To Set Boundaries Self-Sabotage How To Reframe Your Feelings Are You Judging Me? How To Assert Yourself Understanding Personality Disorders Gaslighting Taking Ownership Of Your Time The Altruism Option Are You Honoring Yourself?
Make decisions based on what's best for you, not how you feel.




why cbt?

Working one on one in therapy can be very beneficial by having a safe place to talk without judgment and is also a courageous first step to change. I say courageous because many of my clients share how hard it was to make that first phone call and how they saw themselves as weak needing help. It is your therapy and you get to choose what is most important to you to focus on.


help for



Depression comes in many forms from mild to severe, the sooner you get help the better. Most of us minimize sad moods we are having, a good way to measure whether or not you should seek help is if you feel sad/depressed for more than 2 weeks. Giving yourself permission to take care of yourself is a good first step. Depression is not something you have to live with, learning the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy will give you life long tools to create the life you want and not feel like you are pulling around a ball and chain any longer. Knowing that our thoughts create our moods make it possible to make the changes you hope for. Feeling sad at times is normal, we want to be able to feel many emotions, we just don’t want them to hold us back from having the life we desire.


Anxiety is the most common mental health issue in our country, it is understandable knowing all the stressors we deal with daily in our individual relationships, work and the world. A little anxiety can help us get things done, the problem is when your anxiety is managing your life instead of you managing your anxiety. Learning how to identify and really understand what anxiety is, is the first step to becoming well. Clients with anxiety share that the uncertainty is what scares them the most, having tools to deal with uncertainty allows you to decrease or eliminate the anxiety holding you back.

Life Transitions

Sometimes we start going through unexpected changes or a new life stage and we just don’t know how to handle it. We may feel like we have tried everything and nothing is helping us get out of our funk. That’s a good time for therapy and to get help figuring things out. Therapy isn’t just for crisis situations, if you come in when you start to struggle you can avoid crisis and have new tools to manage your new life.


Get in Touch:

Dr. Osborn specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which is the most effective and well studied modality of psychotherapy.

Her clients include adults, couples, families & adolescents. Dr. Osborn teaches her clients to be their own therapists so their therapy can be short-term and they will learn lifelong skills to improve their mental health!