My CBT Podcast Core Fears & CBT Crippling Social Anxiety & CBT Toxic Positivity & CBT The Power of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy How To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence Why I'm Feeling Full & Grateful Right Now Conflict Avoidant Behavior & CBT Enmeshment & CBT How To Be Authentic In Your Relationships Is Your Love Tank Full? Personality Disorders & Parental Relationships How To Be Calm Using CBT Are You Happy? People Pleasing & CBT Don't Take It Personally! Jealousy & CBT No Matter What & CBT Part 2 ft. Anthony Osborn No Matter What & CBT A Tough Week & CBT Intelligence & CBT Self-Gaslighting & CBT Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) & CBT Vacations, Holidays & CBT Behavior & CBT Attachment Styles & CBT Are CBT Tools Worth The Effort? Truth, Lies & CBT Conflicting Values & CBT Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) & CBT Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) & CBT Labeling Yourself & CBT The Holidays & CBT Betrayal & CBT The Inner Child & CBT Intrusive Thoughts & CBT Childhood Abandonment & CBT Family Enmeshment, Boundaries & CBT Triggering & CBT Blame & CBT Existential Dread & CBT Barbie & CBT How CBT Can Affect Physical Symptoms CBT for Dog Groomers ft Carla Keen How Do Psychiatry & Medication Fit In Therapy? ft. Dr Gail Fernandez, MD Accepting Yourself Using CBT Growing Up LGBTQ ft. Charlie Becker Bullying In The LGBTQ Community & CBT ft. Charlie Becker Why Marriages Succeed & CBT Shame & CBT How Your Environment Affects Your Thoughts Agoraphobia & CBT Perception Psychology & CBT Mind Over Mood Spirituality & CBT How CBT Can Help With Fear New Year's Resolutions & CBT Living With POTS ft Sam Bregman Surviving The Holidays With CBT Hoarding Behavior & CBT Manipulation In Relationships Control Issues & CBT Health Anxiety & CBT Grief & CBT Denial & CBT Relapse Prevention & CBT How CBT & Neuropsychology Work Together Phobias, Aviophobia, Fear Of Flying & CBT ft. Antoinette Gupta Bipolar Disorder & CBT - Part 2 ft. Michael Mikulski Bipolar Disorder & CBT - Part 1 ft. Michael Mikulski Help For Cancer Caregivers How CBT Can Help ADHD - Part 2 ft. Molly Osborn How CBT Can Help ADHD - Part 1 Men & Male-Type Depression How To Recover After Divorce What About The Introverts? Leaving Someone With Addiction What Is A Committed Relationship? Genetic Testing & Mental Health How To Use Mind Over Mood Book Money & CBT How To Manage Anxiety Successfully Emotional Manipulation Projection In Relationship Conflicts Help For The Holidays Chemotherapy & CBT The Kitchen Sink How To Find Intimacy Coping With The Emotion Of Cancer When Everything Changes - Part 2 When Everything Changes - Part 1 How To Be An Effective Parent Help For PTSD Sufferers How To Make Good Decisions Under Stress How To Be Emotionally Available How To Manage Chronic Pain How To Say No How To Create A Supportive Family Help For Adult Children Of Addicts How Pets Affect Your Mental Health How To Handle Reentry Anxiety How To Find The Right Partner For You How To Deal With Work Burnout How To Set Boundaries Self-Sabotage How To Reframe Your Feelings Are You Judging Me? How To Assert Yourself Understanding Personality Disorders Gaslighting Taking Ownership Of Your Time The Altruism Option Are You Honoring Yourself?
Make decisions based on what's best for you, not how you feel.

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What’s CBT?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is about taking action to reduce or eliminate your symptoms of depression, anxiety, panic, anger, guilt, shame or other issues you may be experiencing in your life.

The word cognitive means your thought processes and the theory of CBT is that your thoughts and beliefs create your moods which effect your behavior and physical reactions. It is like a babies mobile, you can’t have one of these aspects of yourself going on without the other. CBT also includes looking at your environment and how it may be influencing your moods.


CBT teaches you to be your own therapist, so when distressing situations occur you will learn how to figure out what you are thinking and challenge your thoughts whether they are true or not and develop new thoughts. It is like retraining your brain! It is important to remember that just because you think something doesn’t mean that it is true. Thoughts only have as much power as you give them! Dr. Aaron Beck pioneered CBT in the early 1960’s. CBT has been shown to be the most effective and well studied theory of psychotherapy due to decades of clinical trials with positive results.

If you are looking for TOOLS to get better than CBT is for you. I see that clients are getting more educated about therapy and seeking out CBT because they have read how successful it works or know others who have benefited from CBT. I continue to meet new clients who have already been to therapists and say they want tools and not just support to be able to feel better. That’s what I teach my clients, tools!

In my practice I use the workbook called “Mind Over Mood” by Dr. Dennis Greenberger and Dr. Christine Padesky. It is an excellent way to learn CBT tools and allows my clients to continue learning new skills between sessions.


Helpful Tips

Breath—always remember to take a breath when you are feeling overwhelmed.  Breath in for 4 seconds and breath out for 4 seconds, if you can do this for 3-4 minutes.

Journaling—Writing our thoughts and feelings down helps us get them out of our heads so we won’t ruminate which makes you more depressed.

You are not alone—Sadly there is still a stigma about mental health so most people don’t share what they may be feeling with others which in turn is isolating and makes you feel alone.  Reach out to just one person you trust, you may be surprised to find out they feel the same way.

FYI—we all have 80,000-90,000 thoughts a day, that’s a lot of thoughts to deal with!

Whatever struggle you may be going through doesn’t define you as a person.  You may have depression but don’t label yourself as a “depressed person”, there is still a lot more to you then how you feel.

Gratitude—research shows that happy people are the most grateful.  Write down everything you are grateful for or just do it in your head when you are driving or in a stressful situation.  It is important to remember everything we are grateful for.  It is too easy to get stuck in our negative thoughts and forget who and what we have in our lives.



Dr. Osborn specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which is the most effective and well studied modality of psychotherapy.

Her clients include adults, couples, families & adolescents. Dr. Osborn teaches her clients to be their own therapists so their therapy can be short-term and they will learn lifelong skills to improve their mental health!